Beef Short Loin

Short Loin Primal Cut The beef short loin primal cut comes from the hindquarter, the back portion of the animal, and includes the 13th rib. The short loin is the most expensive cut, and here you’ll find the porterhouse steak, wing or club steak, tenderloin...

The Most Overrrated (and Underrated) Beef Cuts List

From the Thrillist, their list of the most overrated and underrated beef cuts from the chefs and owners themselves of 14 different establishments around the country. Not surprisingly, it was almost unanimous for tenderloin to be overrated. Comments for reasons the...
5 Lean Cuts of Beef to Grill Now

5 Lean Cuts of Beef to Grill Now

You can still grill beef, and watch your diet. There are many different options when it comes to lean beef cuts. What is considered lean beef? A cut of beef that contains less than 10 grams of total fat and 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat. All the cuts of beef...